On a recent mountain retreat, we began a silent snowshoe with the following prompt:
"What does your most beautiful day look like?"
Where are you? What time do you wake? Rest? Who is with you? What do you do during your day? How do you feel? What do you know about yourself?
Two hours in silence to day dream.
The responses never surprise me.
There is no talk of the things they own, the wealth they have acquired, the beauty they possess, the unending list of professional accomplishments.
Their stories reflects simplicity.
Waking with the sun.
Quietly reading a book.
Slow walks with their beloved in the woods.
Time to cook a beautiful meal and gather with friends.
Space for meaningful conversation.
The feeling of acceptance and ease.
Warmth on their bodies.
Snowflakes on their faces.
We end with the consideration of, “How do we get here?”
The answer is simple yet challenging.
It is about unwinding, accepting, prioritizing, and re-anchoring in heart matters.
Stripping away the excess so there is time and space for the things that truly matter.
The journey toward our most beautiful day isn’t about adding more—it’s about letting go.
Letting go of distractions, of expectations that aren’t ours, of the pressure to do more, be more, achieve more.
It’s about choosing presence over productivity. Depth over busyness. Connection over consumption.
So, how do we get there?
We begin by noticing. By carving out moments of stillness to ask ourselves if the way we’re living aligns with what we most deeply desire.
We trust that in the simplifying, we create space for the life we’ve been longing for all along.
Tell me, what does your most beautiful day look like?